"Love Meets Sexual Needs" - Part 1

We move on to a topic that I suspect many have been waiting for, yet one that others may fear - sexual intimacy. I embark on this multi-part message aware of the enormous sensitivity and uniqueness surrounding this most intimate of human relationships. I will start gently with more of an introduction rather than dive immediately into this topic.

God created sex to be a good and meaningful part of marriage. The fact that plenty has been written about it in the Bible further speaks to its significance. Scripture offers warnings and stories about immoral sexual practices, but there is also an abundance as to the beauty of it. Indeed, Song of Songs, is an entire book devoted to it. And while some view this merely as an allegory of God’s love for His people, do not miss the fact that it is also a passionate and romantic love story. Christians sometimes struggle with what the Bible says about sex, especially in today’s world. But if we believe that everything written in the Bible is God-inspired, then we cannot ignore or reject what it says. As Tim Keller notes, we don’t get to choose what to follow based on what we do or do not like.

It is vital that our information source, including the Bible, the church, and sound Christian writing, reflects God’s plan and becomes our reference point on sexuality. Plus it is important, not only for us but our children as well, that conversations on this should be addressed appropriately and graciously within our families. Failure to do so opens the door for the media and other secular sources to shape our sexual morals. Remember that we live within the realm of a spiritual battle and Satan’s mission is to twist every good, God-created blessing. And sex is a perfect target.

Love Dare makes this interesting comment: “Sexual intimacy is one of God’s greatest wedding gifts, to be fully enjoyed on a consistent basis as husband and wife.” It is intended to be part of celebrating what God has given to us in each other. And through the pleasure of physical intimacy, our relational, emotional, and spiritual intimacy is strengthened as well. Faithful love transitions into overwhelming joy and a peace that no other sexual relationship outside of marriage can ever produce. This is why God approves of only one sexual relationship, between one man and one woman married to each other, and has placed boundaries around it. People often see God’s plan as limiting sexual enjoyment, but the truth is He is protecting this precious gift.

Sadly, we often fail to experience sexual intimacy as God intended. Reasons can include wounds from our past, deception by what the world says, and the temptations of wrongful desires. Some Christians view sex as dirty or shameful. Others are haunted by memories of immorality or adultery. Then there are those who give in to the seductive destruction of pornography. And the list goes on. The end result is that many couples grow distant from each other.

Working through these issues and reclaiming God’s plan for sexual intimacy may take time, attention, patience, grace, and perhaps even professional counseling. Next week we will further explore the biblical basis as well as begin unpacking some practical aspects of sexual intimacy.