"Love Agrees in Prayer"

Love Dare’s previous theme looked at the powerful effect that God’s Word can have in our lives and marriages. Today, we build on this by examining a supernatural privilege – being able to approach the Holy throne of God through prayer. Many Christian couples have discovered that the regular practice of praying together is one of the most specific actions that can dramatically impact their marriage. To non-believers, this may seem ridiculous. But the unity that grows between a husband and wife who pray together forms an intense and powerful connection.

On your wedding day, God gave you a special gift - a prayer partner for life. Whether you are seeking wisdom on a difficult decision, battling insecurities, or dealing with personal issues, your spouse can join with you in prayer. And when disagreements arise that you both struggle to resolve, you can call time-out and pray together. Prayer should always be your first and automatic response when you don’t know what else to do.

When prayer intervenes during the height of an argument, a couple realizes that they are in the presence of the Lord and that He has joined them together as one. It can stop the bleeding, quiet the loud voices, and pause our painful passions. It is hard to stay angry for long with someone you are praying for. And it is hard not to back down when you hear your partner humbly cry out for God’s mercy in the midst of a crisis.

But prayer can do far more than just break up fights. Prayer is a privilege to be enjoyed on a daily basis. Knowing that prayer time awaits each day keeps God in the middle of everything as you both go about your business. Praying for your spouse will lead your heart to care more deeply about them. And hearing them pray for your needs, your protection, and God’s blessings over your life is an intimate experience that will deepen your love for one another.

Praying as a couple is meant to complement, not replace, individual prayer. It invites God’s uniting spirit which can turn discord into beauty. In music, two different notes can be played together to create a fuller, more complete sound than either delivers on its own. Likewise, when divergent viewpoints and personalities are brought together in prayer, God can join these together in harmony.

Shared prayer can strengthen every aspect of your relationship and play a vital role in marital longevity. Every time you humbly approach the throne of grace together, it ushers the presence of God into your marriage in a special way, accompanied by the love, joy, and peace you long for in your home.

If you do not currently pray together, consider inviting your spouse to do so. Discuss what time of day would be best. Also ask your partner how you can pray for them. And remember to not only pray for concerns, but also to thank the Lord for His blessings. Establishing this new routine may feel awkward at first, but over time it will become natural. You will likely be surprised by the long term results from something this powerful and be thankful for investing in this highly important habit. Praying together is a definitive action that can radically change everything in your life and marriage.